In the search of my happiness and constantly overthinking of what it is that will make me fulfilled and happy I have realized that what I am really looking for are not the things, actions or any other physical conditions, but rather it is this deep feeling of acceptance, satisfaction and fulfilment within me that I desire.

I said, how can I be satisfied if the current conditions do not really satisfy me so much. So then, I thought let’s try to mock it. Let’s see how that feels. 

So, if found it helpful taking a deep breath and exhaling with exaggerated feeling of relief and mocking that I really am satisfied. First of all I noticed that when letting the air out caused my body feel quite uncomfortable and unfamiliar to breath out like this. Like my lungs are trembling with fear of letting go and feel this peace and satisfaction. This gave me a picture of how shallow my breath actually is on a daily basis and how I keep everything inside all the time. 

However, with further attempts it got easier and easier. This is the thing, we can teach the body how we WANT IT to be, and then I discovered such a pleasant warmth generated in my heart with every exhale. The delicious warm of feeling satisfied and not wanting anything else and not feeling any lack for a moment. Try, try, try that! Keep practicing this over and over. Add a smile to this practice as well 🙂

Thus how you feel at the very moment attracts how you will feel in the next moment, and in the next and in the next. The life situations will adjust to the amazing feeling you generate and your perspective of how you see your life will shift step by step.

This practice also explicitly shows it is YOU who is responsible of how you feel, and even if the current circumstances are not the ones that you dream of, you can very quickly find yourself in the feeling place of your desires if only you decide so! And by doing it, attracting them closer and closer. Worth mentioning, that you will notice improvement in your mood and vibrations that are so much more pleasant and delicious to you, instantly 🙂

What follows is, that the feeling of appreciation arise and I started to realize that actually a lot of things that I have been wanting and asking for in the past, they actually happened and manifested but somehow I did not appreciate it. Also, as we probably all know the gratitude feeling is really tasty as well 🙂 and really powerful 🙂

Try it for yourself!

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