It is YOU who tells the story…

There has to be a rule that creates and bring things or situation into your life. Do you really think that up there, there is anyone interested in responding to your every emotion move reaction action etc individually to either punish you, reward you or caress you?
For example when you feel guilty, then there have to be a punishment coming for you, you will say.
Nah, no one would come up to speed of that.

This is all vibrational game.

There has to be the rule then, that makes it all work in harmony. Let’s say you feel guilty, so then if you feel guilty then you expect the punishment or revenge. And here we see the law coming in. What you feel like, alike you attract. The revange or punishment knocking right to your doors. Aha! I did something bad I am punished, and the loop closes, you just confirmed what you have been feeling.

So, how would you then explain when lots of people does horrible, cruel things, the things you would definitely feel guilty about. Somehow, those people never feel guilty and do not get their revange neither punishment or any consequences at all. Why? And here we see the law of attraction coming again to play the main role. What you think and thus feel, you will receive.

You would say, that is awful law! They should be punished because they did some many terrible things. But well, the law is the law and will be the law. The vibrational essence you send, the same you receive. You feel guilty you will confirm it in your life, you do not feel guilty you will not confirm it in your life.

Stop for a second, and think and imagine what MAGNIFICENT experiences this exact same law could (and it does) bring when you know its rules…Start enjoying this law. The sooner the better 🙂

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